O-ring 21x1.5 - FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - Kalrez® 6375 - ORS58177 (Equivilent) Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (2024)

O-ring 21x1.5 - FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - Kalrez® 6375 - ORS58177 (Equivilent) Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (1)

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O-ring 21x1.5 - FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - Kalrez® 6375 - ORS58177 (Equivilent) Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (2)

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O-ring 21x1.5 - FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - Kalrez® 6375 - ORS58177 (Equivilent) Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (3)

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O-ring 21x1.5 - FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - Kalrez® 6375 - ORS58177 (Equivilent) Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (15)


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home navigate_next FFKM - FFPM O-Rings navigate_next FFKM O-Rings - 75 Shore A - F758Z94 navigate_next O-ring 21x1.5 - FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - Kalrez® 6375 - ORS58177 (Equivilent)

ID (Inner diameter) 21 mm

CS (Cross Section) 1.5 mm

Material FFKM - FFPM

Hardness 75 Shore A

Color Black

Item no. 58177

Approval General Purpose (+270˚C)

Color Black

Stock 110 sentiment_satisfied_alt

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CountryPriceTransit daysCarrier
Algeria€ 175,007 - 10FedEx: International Economy
Argentina€ 63,008 - 10FedEx: International Economy
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Latvia€ 28,004 - 6GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Lithuania€ 38,004 - 6GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Luxembourg€ 13,001 - 3GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Macedonia€ 40,007 - 10FedEx: International Economy
Malaysia€ 40,005 - 7FedEx: International Economy
Malta€ 30,004 - 6GLS: Euro Business Parcel
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Monaco€ 23,003 - 5FedEx: International Priority
Netherlands€ 10,001 - 3GLS: Euro Business Parcel
New Zealand€ 52,507 - 10FedEx: International Priority
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Peru€ 53,004 - 8FedEx: International Economy
Philippines€ 45,004 - 8FedEx: International Economy
Poland€ 28,003 - 5GLS: Euro Business Parcel
Portugal€ 23.004 - 6FedEx: Regional Economy
Romania€ 28,004 - 6FedEx: International Economy
Saudi Arabia€ 45,004 - 6FedEx: International Economy
Serbia and Montenegro€ 43,002 - 4FedEx: International Economy
Singapore€ 45.004 - 6FedEx: International Economy
Slovakia€ 23,004 - 6FedEx: Regional Economy
Slovenia€ 23,004 - 6FedEx: Regional Economy
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United Kingdom€ 20,002 - 4FedEx: Regional Economy
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Vietnam€ 45,005 - 7FedEx: International Economy
Why is there a minimum order QTY

O-ring 21x1.5 - FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - Kalrez® 6375 - ORS58177 (Equivilent) Online Shop - Worldwide shipping (16)

Our warehouse is tremendous.
Therefor it takes time to pick and pack each o-ring.

Given the low prices that we charge, we need to factor our warehouse time/cost in the order.
We do not want to raise our prices and we don't want to add a surcharge to each possition.
Therefor we decided that we prefer to give you more value for money by giving you more o-rings instead.
We hope you understand and appreciate this.

Stock Delivery time
110 Shipped in 5 - 7 - Day(s)

€40,14 Ex. VAT / per piece

€48,57 In. VAT

Price per piece

Shipped in 5 - 7 - Day(s)

This product has a minimum order Qty of 1pcs

Quantity Per piece
1+ €40,1405
In stock Yes, 110 pcs
Article number58177
Alternative namesFFPM – Dupont Kalrez
Chemical NamePerfluoroelastomer
Description 2O-ring FFKM - FFPM 21x1.5
Equal toDupont Kalrez 6375, Freudenberg Simriz 495, Greene Tweed Chemraz 605, PPE Perlast G80A, Parker Parafluor V8910-75
MaterialFFKM - FFPM
NIEUW - Details IIN894
Product nameO-ring 21x1.5 FFKM - FFPM
Seal typeO-ring
Size in texttwenty one zero by one comma fifty
Trade namesEvolast® - Chemraz® - Simriz® - Kalrez® - Spectrum - Triazinico - Isolast® - Parofluor® - Fluorez - Perlast® - HPSealing® - Perfluor® - Polymax
Alternative Size
DIN 3771 Size Chart21x1.5
SMS 1586 Size chart21 X 1.5
Core Spec's
ApprovalGeneral Purpose (+270˚C)
CS (Cross Section)1.5 mm
Hardness75 Shore A
ID (Inner diameter)21 mm
Temperature Max270 ºC
Temperature Min-20 ºC
Equivalent to
Dupont Kalrez® EquivalentDupont Kalrez 6375
Freudenberg Simriz® EquivalentFreudenberg Simriz 495
Greene Tweed Chemraz® EquivalentGreene Tweed Chemraz 605
Parker Parafluor® EquivalentParker Parafluor V8910-75
Precision Polymer Engineering Perlast® EquivilentPPE Perlast G80A
Trelleborg Isolast® EquivalentTrelleborg Isolast 9440
attachment Material Datasheet

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This FFKM - FFPM O-Ring is 21x1.5mm and in the color Black. The Hardness of this O-ring 21x1.5 - FFKM - FFPM - 75 Shore A - Black - Kalrez® 6375 - ORS58177 (Equivilent) is 75 Shore A.The alternative names of the compound are FFPM – Dupont Kalrez and they are mostly produced by Evolast® - Chemraz® - Simriz® - Kalrez® - Spectrum - Triazinico - Isolast® - Parofluor® - Fluorez - Perlast® - HPSealing® - Perfluor® - Polymax. The O-ring is commonly used in and has an operating temperature range from -20 ºC to 270 ºC. O-rings 530923 are indicated as 58177 and have a DIN 3771 Size of 21x1.5. This item is equal to Dupont Kalrez 6375, Freudenberg Simriz 495, Greene Tweed Chemraz 605, PPE Perlast G80A, Parker Parafluor V8910-75 and has an General Purpose (+270˚C) Approval. The chemical name of this Oring is Perfluoroelastomer.

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All items marked with a * are required.

This product has a minimum order Qty of 1pcs

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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.